Sunday, May 10, 2009


Aha Sun Media – it appears the shoe is on the other foot! Or at least now we’re both shoeless …


It’s been brought to my attention the Nanton News is again looking for a new editor (


When vying for the position as Nanton News editor but a short time ago, I made my only stipulation that the moribund Nanton News office had to remain open. I went so far as to even suggest paying the rent and inhabiting the news office myself. Sleep in, work in my underwear – how bad could it be? Not gonna happen I was told. When Sun Media’s foot comes down, it comes down harder than 2009 stocks. Zing! Everyone will work from home – no ifs, ands, buts, come’ons, pretty pleases or ‘even if I promise to put pants on’s’ and especially no other such outrageous stipulations.

Well Sun Media now that you appear in a bind, these are my revised conditions:

1. The Nanton News office stays open. End of story.

2. I want a non-fat, easy-foam latte delivered to me free of charge every morning by a pony.

3. I want a pony. (This pony will be for my personal conveyance around town. Not, I repeat NOT my coffee pony.)

4. Next, I want belly-dancers. All-day belly-dancers. EXCEPT for when I'm trying to eat lunch and when I’m in the bathroom. They must casually accept me if and when I do both.

5. I want, no questions asked, a computer that talks to me in the sultry voice of Cuddy from House. 

6. I want scratch n’ sniff bylines. Dibs on grape.

7. A lava lamp for my desk made with real lava.

8.  Phone line to God. (Always good for a quote.)

9. Freshly baked gnocchi from the Wild Thyme Café for myself and my harem of hungry dancers.

10. The Nanton News office roof to be punctured with 240 holes so I can enjoy a relaxing game of oversized cribbage and lightly imbibe on sunny days.

Ball’s in your court, Mr. and Mrs. Evil Corporation. I shall await your call.



Tasha said...

David and Jeff want giant sized chess in the garden centre, but has ANYONE ever thought about giant sized Crib until now? Roof sized, yowsa. I think we should jack that idea and make the crib board run around the perimeter of the garden centre. Thoughts?

Anonymous said...

Oh Pete! I laughed so hard! Scratch n’ sniff bylines were the ones that really got me!

Worden Edgewise said...

I'm just going to throw this out there - I'll work anywhere doing ANYTHING if my employer meets Condition No. 10 on that list. That's a gar-un-tee!

Anonymous said...
